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- by
- Katsudou Mangaya
- Publication date
- 2017-08-11
- Topics
- Delisted, Windows, Visual Novel
- Language
- Multiple
- Item Size
- 379.6M
The Key To Home
La Llave a Casa
Ie No Kagi / いえのかぎ
Jiā de yàoshi / 家的钥匙
The Key to Home / いえのかぎ is an Adventure, Indie, Casual, VN game, developed by Katsudou Mangaya, was available on Steam and published by Henteko Doujin.
Hiroshi Kuroyanagi, a boorish failure of an elementary school teacher, is blackmailed by his student Rika Sakuma, a girl with demonic intelligence, into a wild scheme to rob the school of a hidden fortune worth tens of millions of yen.Lies, cheating, and betrayal...students and teachers struggle against one another for dominance in this suspenseful thriller.Who will come out on top and claim the schools hidden fortune?[From Steam]
The NOVEL deserves recognition, the AUTHOR deserves respect. | Preview and | Reason of (HTML of the article for archiving purposes)
Ie No Kagi Demo (JP).zip200.5 MB
UgaiNovel Blog | Twitter User @UgaiNovel | Steam
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Reason of removal : "We think it's core audience is Pedophiles" -Valve Inc./Steam
This VN is not pornographic.
I do have the game files and all but please buy it from FAKKU (International) or Digiket (Japanese) and support the Developer.
- Addeddate
- 2022-04-04 19:43:21
- Identifier
- TheKeyToHome-IeNoKagi-LivBs
- Scanner
- Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1.6.4
- Year
- 2017
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ReviewsReviewer: Sachiko-K - favoritefavoritefavorite - September 1, 2024
Subject: A misinterpreted little gem
This might sound harsh, but I think both of the reviews below this one should piss off.
On the one hand, saying that this was "removed from Steam for a good reason" when at no point does it sexualize children strikes me as an attempt to troll people and get a rise out of them.
Meanwhile, while the other review rightly states that lolicon has a right to exist while things like Cuties, that sexualize real children, do not, it blames the so-called "globohomo agenda" for the removal of this game from Steam, when in my experience the blame is to be put on retrograde-minded geezers that don't understand what kind of impact fiction does and doesn't have on people, and while there are some leftist people among those, that kind of people are more often than not of conservative and right wing ideologies.
But that's neither here nor there. The Key to Home is a kinetic novel about a teacher who is goaded by one of his students into committing a crime (robbery, if you have to ask). It's mainly a thriller with lots of suspense. If that stuff interests you, you should give it a look. It deserves to be given a chance.
Reviewer: mylifeisajokethatisntfuckingfunny - favorite - August 2, 2024
Subject: booted from Steam for a good reason
Regardless of whether they're fictional or real, you should have a moral obligation to be opposed to the fetishization of children. The fact someone was depraved enough to feel the need to archive this garbage is proof we as a society are far too lenient on pedophiles, offending or not
Reviewer: Shinn Asuka YES Taylor Swift NO - April 8, 2024
Subject: censorship is disgusting
saying that lolis and shotas make people pedophiles is like saying video games make people violent and/or extremists (We are all looking at you, the Anti-Defamation League!)
Say what you will about stuff like this, Big Mouth, Where the Dead Go to Die, Kodomo no Jikan, Midori: Shojo Tsubaki, Maid Boy Kuro-Kun, and Boku no Pico, at least lolis and shotas are animated, drawn, and/or played by adults thus they can get away with X-rated acts involving minors like them as they are very clearly not harming real minors which definitely can't be said for Netflix's Cuties. Netflix's Cuties, on the other hand, actually used real life live-action minors to perform those dirty acts thus making it inexcusable. Yet, according to the woke globohomo beta soy cucks that run clown world, the latter is absolutely okay while lolis and shotas are constantly getting persecuted and censored.
Shame on you, Valve for caving to woke globohomo beta soy cucks when it comes to lolis and shotas! >:(
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